For details of Dr. Fouzia Saeed’s work in the field of Gender and Development kindly see her CV, where her long-term assignments as well as short term work is listed. Only a few examples are given here to highlight some outstanding initiatives she took.
In 1995, Dr. Saeed was asked by UNDP Pakistan to develop a full-fledged Gender Program as one of three substantive areas of its new country programs. At the time, UNDP New York was the only unit of the organization with a formal Gender Program. Dr. Fouzia Saeed, being the gender expert for UNDP developed the conceptual framework for the Program and later mobilized the most relevant people in the country on specific themes to develop initiatives and concrete development interventions.
A short video on the development of the Gender Program for UNDP Pakistan is given below (Language: English):
Out of all the initiatives in the Gender Program the most vibrant was the Women’s Mobility project. Women’s mobility, meaning the ability to move freely between the private space of their homes to the public space for shopping, employment or entertainment, particularly when using public transport is one of the biggest issues in Pakistan.
Dr. Fouzia Saeed and her gender team organized all stake holders associated with the issue in the city of Lahore, including the Punjab Provincial Government’s Transport Division, the Traffic Police, private sector transport owners, drivers and conductors of the buses and the women workers, teachers and students from the community.
A short film on the issues provides insight into the problems (Language: English):